Wednesday 30 June 2010

Mise en scene in our video

We will include guitars and we will all be wearing black clothes. We will all be wearing black sunglasses and also the video will be in black and white to fit with the theme of the song.

Conventions of Rock music video

We have been watching various rock music videos and have found out they include:

-A dark theme
-Lots of instruments including guitars & drums
-Black clothes
-Guitar solos
-Make up (black lip stick and white faces)


Tuesday 29 June 2010

Final Cut Practice

In the lesson we have been learning to sync the music with the imagery in the video. Although it sounds a fairly simple task, it can be very time consuming. We have to listen to the soundtrack first then find out the bit where the singing begins. Then we have to go back to the exact point of the lyrics coming in and mark it on the song. Then we have to watch the video and look for the point where they start singing. Then we have to cut it and put the video and sound together. Doing this for every bit of video will be time consuming however it does make a more professional music video.

Friday 25 June 2010

Music video intro 1 min - ACDC Back in Black

Back up idea

We will all be in the music room with instruments playing along to the song. Liberty and Jack will be playing guitars. Harry will be singing and Heidi will be on drums. There will be various close ups, long shots, medium shots etc of the instruments and band members. The video will be edited so it is in black and white to go with the song.
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